Hi! I’m Alice, and I love all things Vegas and gambling. I travel to Vegas, Tunica, and many of my local casinos to do the thing I love …. play video poker, slots, Mississippi Stud, and just fun in general.
My closest “local” casino is Indiana Grand in Shelbyville, Indiana. And even though I consider it my local, it’s still about 90 minutes away. That particular property does not have a hotel, so it’s usually a day trip when I go there.
I love going to Vegas, as you can see from my posts. Currently, my favorite casino is the Cosmopolitan, Cosmo for short. But that can change at any time.
I hope you will check back here periodically to see my latest adventure. I will update anytime I have a new trip report or video. My next Vegas trip is scheduled for September of 2020, so let’s hope that one happens! And I will, of course, be posting all the fun on my blog and hopefully also doing a video vlog. I’ll be posting the links for that as well!
Please join me in my travels and fun! I love doing these trip reports, mostly because it makes me feel like I have all my friends on my trip with me.